Monday 25 January 2016

Why I am Looking Forward To Spring/Summer

At the end of Summer last year I was so excited for Autumn and Winter. However now we are in January all I can think of is sun and just being warm!

As I live in England Winter is absolutely freezing, everyday is just a challenge to get outside and face the cold. Spring and Summer are my only times that I can actually have a bit of sun of my face and not ice cold feet.

In Spring I am mostly looking forward to the lighter evenings. Recently we have had non stop dark mornings and dark nights. I can't remember the last time I woke and I could see the sun in the sky.
When it is dark it makes everyone in a mood that is even worse then they already could be. The day just suddenly becomes more gloomy and dull. One of my favourite things about Spring is the flowers blooming all along the fields making them so pretty! They make everything look so bright and colourful!

There is three times in the year where everyone is definitely in a good mood and happy, Christmas, birthdays and summer. Summer is where the sun comes out, the sunglasses come on and the smiles are wide on peoples faces. I think Summer is just so good because of the long six break that we get from school. It is a time where you can rest, spend time with family and friends and maybe travel to a new country. We get to eat ice creams and actually go outside instead of curled up under a blanket watching netflix.
Also the summer fashion is always amazing. The flowery play-suits, ripped shorts and cute, little tops. Then that paired with a pink lipstick, I am just so excited!!

Are you looking forward to Spring and Summer?
See you soon,
Erin x

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