Friday 22 January 2016

Essential Social Media Tips

In this generation social media has become such a huge part of peoples lives. From you tube, instagram, twitter and so many more everyone has became obsessed. So I thought I would share five top tips all about social media!

1.) Don't get sucked up into the world of social media. All of these apps nowadays have the potential to make you become obsessed and make you want to check them every 5 minutes. Sometimes it is best just to put your phone down for as long as possible and not check anything. It actually comes as a relief as you don't feel the need to constantly check all of your social media's.

2.) You don't need to feel jealous at other peoples lives. I am definitely guilty of this. When I see someone that travels or looks like they have this amazing life I always get jealous. However I end up stopping myself because I know I have all my life ahead of me to do them things!!

3.) It is alright to show the other side of you as well, sometimes you can be negative. Everyone has their down days but for some reason never shows it on social media. Everybody is so positive about everything which then makes other people think that they have nothing to worry about or nothing bad is happening in their lives when usually that is not the case. I find that social media can be quite fake at times, it is always okay to show that you have had a bad day or you are annoyed.

4.) It is not the end of the world if you don't post something every single day. If you have nothing to talk about or a picture to post then it is fine. It is not a necessity and no one should feel like they need to get stressed about it. I have heard people say that if they don't upload anything then they get really worried about it. It is just absolutely ridiculous! Why worry about something like that?

5.) Likes and follows isn't the point of social media. Mostly everyone cares about how many followers they have or how many likes they get on something on their posts. It shouldn't be like that. Instagram wasn't made for the likes and the comments. It was made to put pictures on that you love and wanted to share because you personally wanted to share them not just for your 'followers'!

I hope you enjoyed this post, what are your opinions about social media?
See you soon,
Erin x


  1. These are some great tips that I think we should all be reminded of from time to time, especially not being jealous as it's easy to forget how we are presented with only a slither of someone's life!

    Musings & More

  2. Love this post and totally agree! I tend to get sucked into instagram for hours, and one of my goals is to stop and just enjoy life and be more present.

    Great blog post girlie!



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