Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Teen Talk: Being Yourself

I have decided to make a new series called Teen Talk. This is where I am going to talk about teenage struggles of both girls and boys. Hopefully this will make you smile or make you feel better about yourselves.

Being yourself can be hard, especially in today's society when people judge you for the little things that you do. The place where most people think that they should change is high school. I definitely changed in high school, at the end of year 6 all I wanted to do was grow up, start a new place and make entirely new friends, however I soon realised that changing isn't the answer to everything.

I feel like most teenagers nowadays don't like being themselves because they either want to impress other people by being someone totally different or just don't like their personal selves and want to be 'cooler'. Not being yourself can lead to so many problems, pretending to be someone different everyday can not only be tiring but also it can make you sad and angry. Nobody really knows the real you and even though you might think it will be great at the start, it will end in a disaster.

For example today I saw a boy in my school with none of his friends, he was walking up the stairs by himself, probably just going to ask a teacher something. However as soon as he saw one of his friends walking down the stairs he started to become arrogant and began shouting. This is just a prime example of picking to not be yourself but someone who is totally different to your true self.

What is your talent? What is your talent that makes you proud of yourself? 5..4..3..2..1..have you picked yet? You may be amazing at dancing or singing. You may be a brilliant drawer or love swimming. Whatever your talent is, express it. Make sure the world knows that you can sing like an angel or dance like a member of Diversity. Why should you let anyone persuade you not to follow your dreams or do what you love?

We were put in this world not to be the same, everyone is different,
so why act like we are all not unique?

See you soon,
Erin x

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